Low Profile Loaded Chamber Indicator

Low Profile Loaded Chamber Indicator

Barrel Fitting File 6

Barrel Fitting File 6"

Apex Barrel Fitting Jig

Availability: In stock


The patented Apex Grade Barrels for the 9mm M&P deliver unparalleled accuracy due to their precise fit to both the slide AND the frame. This Barrel Fitting Jig is designed by master gunsmith Randy Lee and specifically for use in properly fitting the Apex Grade Semi Drop-In Barrels. Why you need this indispensable tool:


– Aids in the proper and precise fitting of Apex Grade Barrels

– Precise fitting can deliver sub 1” groups


100% Made in the USA, right here in Phoenix, AZ.

For Use In These Guns

Works with the Apex Grade Semi Drop-In Barrels for the Smith & Wesson M&P and M&P M2.0 9mm pistols.

Does Not Fit These Guns

Not for use with other aftermarket barrels.

What's Included

1 ea. Apex Barrel Fitting Jig

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