We are giving away two (2) sets of Apex SD9 +3 Base Pads, and they’re green. Why green? Because shut up, they’re free so stop asking.
Two lucky winners will each get a set of two of these gorgeous green Apex SD9 +3 Base Pads. Keep in mind, these are SD9 (as in 9mm) base pads. If by chance you own an SD40, well, too bad for you. And no, you cannot exchange them. Hopefully the winners will own SD9 pistols and not have this problem. BTW, these don’t work on 10-round limited capacity mags.
* * * THIS IS AN
Now…here are the rules, so follow them:
1. On Instagram, post a photo of your own Smith & Wesson SD or SDVE rocking an Apex Trigger
2. Tag @ApexTactical in your photo
3. Include the hashtag
#ApexSDPlus3GAW in the text description (really important) along with something about how awesome our trigger is would be nice, too
4. You must follow
@apextactical on Instagram (also really important)
5. THREE entries per participant (because we’re a glutton for good, or bad, SDVE pics)
6. No fake or giveaway accounts, and no constant posting over and over (see rule #5)
7. No private accounts
8. You must live in the continental U.S. (because ‘Merica…the continental part)
9. Two (2) winners will be chosen at random, the rest of you will have to find a way to carry on with the disappointment of knowing these green beauties won’t be yours.
Good Luck!