Back In Stock, Apex Shipping Flat-Faced Trigger for Sig Sauer P320
LOS OSOS, Calif. – Apex Tactical Specialties announced that after selling out in record time, its all new Flat-Faced Action Enhancement Trigger for the popular Sig Sauer P320 series of pistols is back in stock and available for immediate purchase. “Response to our new P320 Flat-Faced Trigger exceeded our expectations. Initial orders from our distribution partners, who also sold out... -
Apex Now Shipping Flat-Faced Trigger for Sig Sauer P320
LOS OSOS, Calif. – Apex Tactical Specialties is now shipping the new Apex Flat-Faced Action Enhancement Trigger for the popular Sig Sauer P320 series of pistols. Designed as a direct replacement to the factory curved trigger, the new P320 Flat-Faced Action Enhancement Trigger is easily installed without the need for tools or fixtures. The flat design increases trigger reach to... -
Apex Announces New Flat-Faced Action Enhancement Trigger for Sig Sauer P320
LOS OSOS, Calif. – Apex Tactical Specialties, the industry leader in aftermarket drop-in performance parts for firearms, announced the upcoming release of the new Apex Flat-Faced Action Enhancement Trigger for the popular Sig Sauer P320 series of pistols. The new P320 Flat-Faced Action Enhancement Trigger is a direct replacement to the factory curved trigger and is easily installed without the...
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