You Can Apex The New RDP
Got the new Hellcat RDP?
Well, good news. The Apex Action Enhancement Trigger fits all the Hellcat models, including Springfield's newest RDP pistol.
Apex's R&D and Engineering team got their hands on the hot, new Hellcat RDP and immediately tore it apart to install an Apex trigger. Customers have been asking us if they can upgrade their RDP with the Apex trigger and the answer is a definitive, "Oh, hell yeah!"
I have never done this before but had the YouTube video up and followed it step by step, pausing after each part to ensure I got it right and had to replay a few times on some of them!
Needless to say, I love the new trigger and don't have any issue with it like the original trigger, getting snagged.
I HIGHLY recommend the upgrade. Thanks Apex!!