
  1. Apex Tactical has hit Dillon Precision

    We're proud to announce that Apex Tactical Specialties is now available in the Dillon Blue Press catalog.  The new catalog arrived today and found them on the bottom of page 57. They're carrying our M&P Products and Firing Pins for the S&W revolvers.  They will have our Competition Spring kits for the M&P as soon as they're available also.
  2. Failure Resistant Extractor Installation

    Randy Lee steps in front of the camera again to make an installation video for the Apex M&P Failure Resistant Extractor. FRE Installation
  3. Super Speed Ejection at the 2010 IRC

    Randy Lee's High Speed ejection.
  4. IRC - Pre Game Day 1 - by Scott

    Scott's random rant about preparations for the IRC.
  5. Check these puppies out - New Mooner/Demooner

    We had a few shooters from South Dakota come in today after shooting their ICORE Classifiers to check out Apex and see what this place is all about.  Being the social butterflies we are, they stuck around for a bit and Tom Kilhoffer dropped in with some of his Moonclips.  One of the guys pulls out a really sweet tool...
  6. IRC in just a couple of days....Here goes nothin'

    Team Apex Prepares for the International Revolver Championship match. Scott talks about their equipment and the IRC prize table.
  7. Preparations for the IRC

    It's like Xmas in June for ICORE Members as the IRC is just around the Corner. Team Apex is signed up for the match and in preparations to shoot with the world's best revolver shooters, so I thought I'd share what we're doing to be ready for the match.  Most people think match preparation means shooting hundreds of rounds a...
  8. The True Gunsmith's Hammer....The Shooboy Pro

    I've been playing with the Shooboy Pro Hammer for the past few months and I've found it to be the most useful tool on my bench, I've used it for everything from tapping out tiny pins to driving nails into 2x4s. I give you the “Shooboy Pro” Features: Knurled grip: Now that's what I call staying power.  Most Gunsmith specific...
  9. Apex Tactical Mentioned in Nutnfancy

    Apex Tactical Specialties was mentioned in a M&P Product review video by Nutnfancy
  10. Links to Apex's Parts Install Videos

    The following links are to our informational videos for installing the Apex parts kits into your Smith & Wesson M&P Series pistol. Apex Hard Sear Apex USB Installation Apex DCAEK Part 1 Apex DCAEK Part 2 Apex M&P Trigger Body Install Apex Sigma Spring Kit Install Apex SD/Sigma Kit Install

Items 71 to 80 of 84 total